MA MB BChir (Cantab) MChir MMedSci FRCS (Eng)Consultant Vascular Surgeon Associate Professor, Nottingham University Hospital Appointed 1995
Vascular Surgical Society of GB & Ireland (Former Member of Council)
Since being appointed as a Consultant Vascular Surgeon in Nottingham in 1995, I have completed over 700 medical reports. My ratio of report for claimants and defendants is approximately 75%: 23% with approximately 2% as joint expert.
I have provided reports in medical negligence and personal injury cases on behalf of both claimants and defendants, in cases covering leg ulcers, poor blood supply to the limbs, pressure ulcers, stroke, aneurysms, complications of vascular surgery, vascular complications of orthopaedic surgery, compartment syndrome, deep venous thrombosis and other conditions. I am happy to have a brief discussion with solicitors about a potential case at no charge.
I have attended courses on medico-legal report writing and on giving evidence in Court. I am aware of my overriding duty as an expert to help the court on matters within my expertise. Sample reports are available on request.