This expert has been a speaker and presenter at various restricted Defence and Police Conferences with a focus on Hi-Tech Crime across Australia and New Zealand, and currently undertakes Mobile Phone Forensics, Deleted Data Recovery, PIN Unlocking, and other ICT eDiscovery related taskings. This is for various Investigation, Law Enforcement, and Legal Firms across Australia, on adhoc and sub-contract support basis, including Expert Witness services, through Oxford Investigation Group. He is also the Co-Founder of a Digital Forensic Training School
General Cases he has provided technical support for include:
- Deceased Estates (retrieving messages from deceased locked phone)
- Marital (obtaining deleted data to confirm suspicions of affair)
- Runaway Family Member (read phonebook to create a known associate list)
- Alibi (using data sets to confirm user location)
- Harassment (SMS/MMS & call log dump with date-time-stamp metadata)
- Data Recovery (retrieving important Multimedia, Photos, Videos)
- Security Hardening (spyware scan, and advice on how to better secure device)
- CCTV Analysis (Metadata, Image Enhancement)
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This expert holds a current Victorian Private Investigator Licence, and also has various vendor specific accreditations, including Microsoft 365 Modern Desktop Administrator Associate (MDAA), and the capstone Cellebrite Certified Mobile Device Forensic Examiner (CCME). He is recognised by the Australian Computer Society as a Certified Professional (MACS CP - IP3P), and is a member of ASIAL (Security), AIPI (Investigators), and AIPIO (Intelligence).
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This expert joined the Australian Department of Defence (Army) in January 2001, after completing high school, and just prior to 9/11. He went on operational deployment, and was awarded the Australian Operational Service Medal.
After discharging, he became a consultant and equipment supplier to Defence and various Australian State and Federal Law Enforcement bodies, with a focus on Surveillance and Intelligence gathering tools. This also included the introduction and supply of advanced field deployable mobile phone forensic examination capabilities in 2008, restricted to government end users, where he provided both train-the-trainer training courses and technical support to various live criminal operations across Australia and New Zealand.
During his career, he has been to 17 countries, and completed various civilian accredited courses, including Certificate III in Security & Bodyguarding, Certificate IV in Investigations, Advanced Diploma in Information Communication Technology, and a Post-Graduate Certificate in Computer Crime. He completed one year of the three year Masters Degree in Policing, Intelligence, and Counter-Terrorism at Maquarie University, however did not complete studies due to personal life commitments.
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Data Recovery , Expert Examiners , Expert Security , Investigators , Law Enforcement , Police Investigative Procedures , Police Policy , CCTV Analysis , Electronic Discovery , Electronic Evidence , Expert Testimony , Electronic Devices , Mobile Phones , Surveillence , Forensics Cell Phone , Deleted Data
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