My research and publications have focused on the emergence of civil society, political dissent, economy and finance, religious freedom, state land disputes, the Vietnam state security system cracking down on dissidents and South China Sea. I focus on writing economic, financial, social and political developments in Vietnam. I work on some projects for the Vietnamese government ministries and advise big Vietnamese enterprises to come to invest and do business in the UK and via versa. I have a consultancy office based in Ho Chi Minh city Vietnam and my business is to provide consulting services for oversea companies to do business and invest in Vietnam.
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I am a graduate of the University of West London. I am a member of Chatham House and Amnesty International UK with good experience in providing country expert reports for immigration solicitors representing Vietnamese clients.
The Expert has worked as a senior consultant in providing various aspects of Vietnam including the economic reform, human rights, authoritarian political systems, human trafficking, religion, authentication of official and non-official documents, sustainable development of Vietnam for various clients.
The Expert has contributed to over 35 written reports, presentations, consultations, advisory meetings for various clients from different industries both in Vietnam and the United Kingdom. The expert has conducted extensive research on matters affecting to human trafficking, conflict and post-conflict issues, gender violence, and other political, sociocultural, economic, financial and structural matters.
Since 2011 he conducted large research on the persecution of Vietnamese dissidents and those engaged in religious activities and on the issues of labour, trafficking and sexual exploitation. I have provided dozens of reports for the UK courts considering Vietnamese asylum seeks on various aspects of these topics.
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Vietnam Issues , Vietnam Immigration , Vietnam , Vietnam Economy , Vietnam Freedoms , Vietnam Dissidents
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