Michael Fagan, QEC  Standard Member

Available Globally


1171 Branham Lane # 292
San Jose, CA, 95118


Michael Fagan, QEC is a nationally recognized Expert Elevator Consultant with 50 + years of industry experience in elevator design, construction, modernization, maintenance and repair. His litigation experience in Conveyance matters keeps him in demand by Owners, Carriers and Attorneys, by providing knowledgeable information and effective Testimony. He is also a contributing Elevator and Escalator Expert to the NY times and KTVU Fox TV.

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He is a Federal, State and Municipal Court accepted Expert Witness for over 25 years. He has provided knowledgeable research and effective litigation analysis in support for hundreds of claims involving Construction Defects, Contract Disputes and Mediation, Accident Investigation and Reconstruction, Fire Investigation, and Wrongful Death Claims.


Arbitration/Mediation   ,   Construction Disputes   ,   Construction Defects   ,   Elevator   ,   Fire Investigation   ,   Accident Investigation   ,   Construction Safety   ,   Escalators   ,   Escalator Failure   ,   Elevators Freight   ,   Elevator Consultant

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