MFS Associates
Matthew French  Standard Member

Available Globally


10 The Beeches
Langport, Somerset, TA10 9TU


I have advised on various issues such as the safety of navigation, hydrography and bathymetric issues, seamanship, groundings, tidal streams (in a murder case), ocean yacht racing issues, tidal boundaries and general tidal issues. I am prepared to offer the first half-hour of general advice f.o.c.


Matthew French FRGS, MRIN, MHydSoc
Former Chartered Surveyor (FRICS), Former Chartered Marine Technologist (FIMarEST), Former FCICES


FRGS, MRIN, Member of the Hydrographic Society, IHO Class A surveyor, former FRICS, former Chartered Marine Technologist, former FIMarEST, former FCICES, Master Mariner, RYA PBL2, Ocean Yachtmaster (Racing), RYA Race Officer I trained as a classical hydrographer in the Royal Navy, spent over twenty years at sea, commanded two Royal Naval ships, I worked as an independent consultant in the offshore oil and gas inductry (in the North Sea, Black Sea and South Africa).

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Yacht/Ship Accidents   ,   Hydrographer   ,   Yacht Racing Issues   ,   Tidal Boundaries   ,   Navigation Safety

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