TFT Woodexperts Limited
James C Coulson  Standard Member

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TFT Woodexperts Limited
Park House, 16 Emgate BEDALE, DL8 1AL


Our services include:
Site visits and inspections
Specialist reports
Desktop analysis and review of documentation
Species identification
Analysis for preservative treatment
Structural survey
We are members of the Association of Consulting Scientists. Our specialist reports can be tailored to Single Joint Experts reports, as required by the Civil Procedure Rules.

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BS 4978 - Certificate of Proficiency: Visual Strength Grading of Softwoods [1975]
Buckinghamshire College - Certificate in Timber Studies (Distinction) [1976]
Final Examination, Institute of Wood Science (AIWSc) [1978] – Diploma: Timber Engineering
BS 2482 – Certificate in Scaffold Board Grading [1985]
Fellow of the Faculty of Building [1986]
BS 5756 - Certificates of Proficiency: Grading of Temperate Hardwoods [1997]
Grading of Tropical Hardwoods [1998] [Updated 2017]
Fellow of the Institute of Wood Science [2004]
Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining (update of FIWSc) [2014]
Chartered Environmentalist [2016] Awarded by The Society for the Environment

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I spent 16 years as a Regional Officer (latterly becoming Manager of the Regional Technical
Consultancy Network) with the then Timber Research and Development Association (TRADA – no
longer in existence), before founding Technology For Timber (now trading as TFT Woodexperts
Limited), in 1991. In over 45 years, I have investigated hundreds of technical problems with
construction, shopfitting, furniture, fitted kitchens, joinery, flooring, decking, cladding and wood-
based panels. I work very closely with the sawmilling, construction, trussed rafter and timber
engineering industries, as well as with producers and installers of all types of wood-based panel
products. I am experienced in the specification, shipping, manufacturing, installation and quality
aspects of both solid timber and all wood-based products and their uses in construction, joinery,
flooring, decking and timber packaging. I have therefore developed a very broad knowledge of the
manufacturing processes and practical applications for all wood products in almost every aspect of the
timber and wood-using industries. I work closely on Timber Engineering and joinery design projects;
and I also give written technical advice to, and carry out investigations for, many Trade Bodies: the
Timber Decking and Cladding Association, the Contract Flooring Association, Timcon (The Timber
Packaging & Pallet Confederation) and the BWF (British Woodworking Federation). My “hands on”
experience covers timber construction in both new and historic buildings; forest practices (logging
etc); primary sawmills and all other types of board-producing, joinery, flooring, kitchen, furniture and
pallet/packaging factories; and I have first-hand experience of most types of manufacturing plants in
the UK, Scandinavia, the Baltic States, Europe, USA, Canada, the Middle East, Hong Kong, China,
Indonesia, Malaysia and Australia.
I have published three books: “Wood in Construction” (2012); “The Sustainable Use of Wood”
(2014) and “A Handbook for the Sustainable Use of Wood in Construction” (2021).

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Construction Disputes   ,   Construction Defects   ,   Wood Products   ,   Construction Materials   ,   Beetle Damage

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