CAN Expert Witnesses
Experts Of The Month
1 Expert Category added 17.07.15
There are no featured experts in this category........
- The redesigned Witness Directory is a perfect way for expert witnesses to show case their expert experience and services to lawyers and professionals.
- A cutting edge new design provides experts with editable home pages that experts log in and control themselves.
- New albums can contain photos, logos, C.V PDF files and movies.
- Edit your key words for search engine optimization (with advice if needed).
- Edit and add new categories to the directory, add your badge to your website or email. This links back to your profile.
- Unique invite lawyers system: Add emails to the field and invite clients to your profile.
- Please peruse the site as there are many other special features designed to help lawyers and professionals find your profile.
Standard Membership: Allows you to add up to 3 images and the above benefits. Your dynamic profile added to 8 categories of your choice. Free VIP access to the expert community forum (Coming Soon).
Platinum Membership: Add your new profile to as many as 26 categories. Platinum members are added to the top of their categories and can add multiple images. A synopsis of your details are sent to over 40000 local and global subscribers to the news wire. Your profile will be a Featured Expert appearing on the home page. Free VIP access to the expert community forum.
- Sign up here...